Hey all. I know it's been a while. Alot has gone on the past few weeks that has cut down my blogging time. First thing I've been having severe back pain to the point it has put me in tears. Went to see a doctor and we're waiting on results of what it could be. So as of now...bed rest it is. I am still in St. Louis but I will be going back to L.A. in just 3 days. Had a good time here with the fam but now it's that time again. Time to get back on my grind. It's a brand new year!
T-shirt line is still hoping to re-launch again this year. I am keeping the faith and I won't give up on anything God instructed me to do in my life. Do you realize that everything you're good at someone else isn't? That's called a GIFT. And I refuse to sit on any of my gifts any longer. This week especially I have allowed once again people to say mean things to me, hurt me, and ALMOST made me forget who I am. By me being a Christian and still down to earth is kind of hard. People expect all these things out of me and I'm only human. People can be just down right cruel....ALL BECAUSE THEY WANT TO BE YOU. And if they don't want to be you they want what you have. I personally am aware of the gifts God gave me. Otherwise I wouldn't work so hard or get disappointed when I feel like I didn't do something right. People don't like to hear the truth. That's why it's so easy for them to get offended. I personally know I have a strong personality and I LOVE TO KEEP IT 100% or REAL. Wow...are you telling me people hate for a person to be honest? YES they do! For that reason I have cut half of the people out of my life who claim they even cared.
DID YOU KNOW that half of the people who you THINK care for you REALLY DONT? And they just want to see you fail? That can be kind of hurtful when you realize people close to you do NOTHING but WATCH your FACEBOOK & TWITTER pages JUST to look at your PICTURES than dog you behind your back. THAT'S CALLED HATERS! LOL.......well you know what I say? DUST YOURSELF OFF....AND KEEP PUSHING!
I'm doing alot of self evaluation right now in my life. Realizing that I'm not even famous yet, but people are persecuting me like I already am...LOL. I've taken myself off of a few social media sites for that reason...at least for a while. I think people take life WAY TOO SERIOUS and need to get a sense of humor. I feel like the only way something can offend you that is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS or has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with you....is if you feel a bit guilty about your own lifestyle. Envious maybe?
I will NEVER change WHO I AM for ANYBODY! For all of my readers....KNOW WHO YOU ARE! People are going to try and tear you down and rip you into pieces every single day...BECAUSE THEY JUST WANT TO BE YOU. And guess what else.....if YOU are not aware of your OWN gifts.....THEY ARE...that's why they keep HATING on you so much. Because THEY want YOUR gifts. And you know what else? Everyone is not going to like you! So what? Show them whose boss...and KEEP MOVING.
Know that people will NEVER be satisfied. It was a time in my life where I was doing some wrong things and it's like people were okay with that. But once I started doing right and speaking my mind...people have a problem with that. WHEN I SPEAK HIGHLY OF MYSELF "omg you're sooo arrogant. Stop feeling yourself." WHEN I'M DOWN..."OMG you're such a b#### and you're sooo negative." REALLY?? WELL WHAT IS IT that you ppl want me to do? What is it going to take for you people to be satisfied? Guess what the answer is....
Life is almost a lose lose situation. You live WRONG they talk about you. You live RIGHT..they talk about you. Well....LET THEM TALK.
I'm aware that one of my God-given GIFTS is the gift of VOICE or MOTIVATION/ENCOURAGEMENT and SPEAKING. That's a GIFT. Because everyone can't do that. And if it WASN'T a gift....others wouldn't be so mad when I speak.....and they know I'm always right....ha!
I have done WAY more encouraging things to people then negative. That I do know. Therefore I will not sit back and allow anyone to try and tell me otherwise. If you know who you are no one can make you believe you're someone else. Yeah, it may hurt when they try and say things negative to you or about you, but if you know who you are...you'll learn to laugh and shake them off. Learn and understand, people are very judgmental....and that will NEVER change.
KNOW WHO YOU ARE and don't allow ANYONE to tear you down just because they WISH they could have the gifts you had. USE THEM.......and watch where your life takes you. DO YOU!